Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Perfectly peaceful boring Tuesday (snoring children included)

It's early on a boring, regular Tuesday morning. I woke up around 6 and made myself some coffee and poked around on Facebook. The kids are snoring. Well, Elsa is snoring. Finn is cuddled up cozy in the middle of my bed. Today in Iceland, the sun will rise around 6:30 and set at about 8:15, but not for long...we loose around 6 and a half minutes of daylight everyday this time of year. In a few weeks, deep winter will be upon us. I feel like eating soup and making pies and snuggling up with a book underneath a warm blanket. I feel like taking a wet walk through the woods and coming inside to warm tea or heady red wine.

The kids and I moved into a new apartment a couple of weeks ago. We have been settling in, and the more time I spend here and make it my own, the more I like it. The kitchen is big and newly done, and the bathtub has been getting a lot of attention from all the members of our little family. The past place we lived had a less-then-adequate-half shower deal...we are all a bit starved for baths!

This week, Elsa will start singing in her first choir ("cutie choir"). I think she will really like it, and I am excited to go to listen to her sing. Maybe I will learn some new Icelandic songs. Then both kids begin gymnastics on Saturday. Elsa did it last year, but it will be Finn's first time. It is a nice way to spend a Saturday morning!

We are in the market for new rain clothes and snow suits and winter boots, and I am remembering that this seems to happen every year: it's September, the kids are bigger, and need new warm clothes.

So those are my thoughts this boring quiet Tuesday morning. Time to get ready for work and waking up kids!

Here they are in our new house before we moved anything in

Finnur Atli and his plumber butt at the Laundromat Cafe, where there is a big playroom for kids. We are frequent guests.

Finn had some warts burned off. It did not go well. We won't do that ever again...poor guy. He is all better now, but it was super gross for a while there.

All bandaged up and ready for an ice cream treat (mostly because Mama and Pabbi needed it after watching the nurse dress his wounds...)

Happy kids at Mokka on Menningarnott ("Culture Day"). Oh, we had culture alright...cocoa culture with waffles. Mmmmm....

Whipped cream boy

Elsa was determined to have some of "That Pink Thing" we waited in line for a very long time, and then she ate the whole thing. Several hours later, as she was running for the toilet (screaming, "I need to poop! Now! I need to poop!") she told me that she thought she probably should not have eaten the whole Pink Thing, because it is not good for her tummy. Smart girl.

We have wonderful upstairs neighbors. There is a girl who is four and a boy who is three...and Fluga (Fly) that dog! Jackpot!

Kids munching on kleinur from the bakery on the next block

New house has good windows for climbing

Making good use of our new bathtub and bubbles!

Johanna came over for a visit!

 Tucker'd out at Harpa. It was a long Saturday afternoon that day.

Happy kids exploring at the park

And playing in the bath!

Elsa drawing pictures to send to Grandma Nancy!

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