Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Yes, please!

These days, I live in a state of constant amazement. This time 2 years ago, I had just found out that I was pregnant with Elsa. While we were waiting to tell people we were expecting, Tumi and I did some amazing hikes in Iceland and took a trip to Scotland, where he asked me to marry him. When I reflect on what my life was like then and compare it to what life is like now, my jaw just hans open in disbelief at how quickly things can change. Back then, Elsa María was a bundle of cells, and Finn wasn´t even a thought...

A younger, well-rested Scotsman

A much thinner, livelier me

Now, only two short years later, Elsa is walking, running, speaking (2 languages!) laughing, climbing, making jokes, kissing, snuggling, and learning more everyday. She is developing a personality. She is bossy, always telling her parents and grandparents and brother what to do! She loves balls of all kinds (wonder where she gets that) and in completely enamored with her father. We are working on her manners, and she is now a very polite young lady. She has nearly mastered ´please´ (she says ´pees´) and takk (sounds like ´kakk´when Elsa says it). Finnur Atli has started swim class, and he gurgles and giggles, rolls over, lifts up his head, squeals and belly laughs. They just grow so fast!

Tumi and I are different, too; older, more tired, a little less spry, but blissfully happy and doing what we love to do. He is a natural parent. He is calm, attentive, funny, and lucky we are! Tumi has started school again, and his schedule nowadays is a much better fit for family-time than it was this summer when he was working nights at the news station.

I have been doing some work for the UN University Fisheries Program, and will start to work there (officially) part-time after Christmas. I am very excited that they have offered me a job, and I think it is a good fit for me...I get to work in English while practicing my Icelandic, and the schedule will be flexible so I can work when I find childcare for Finn. Tumi will be writing his MA thesis for the Journalism after Christmas, so I hope that we can work out a deal so he watches Finn while I am at work. I am looking forward to having a job. I feel like I´ve been either in school or mothering for the past three years, and I am excited for the new challenge having a job will give me (oh, and I am also excited for the paycheck...though it is not a high one, an income is very welcome!).

We are going to be in the Northwest from December 2nd until the 29th. I love going home. I love being in the green and rain and trees and surrounded by my family and visiting friends. I´ve lived in Iceland for 3 whole years now, which seems like a long time! Somehow, I think I´ve gotten over the initial culture shock, and I´ve managed to keep myself busy enough that I feel very settled in here, and don´t imagine moving away anytime soon. A lot of that has to do with our new beautiful, spacious apartment. Plus, the inertia of my life has somehow flung me full force into building a home and a family and a career in this place.

Before I found out I was pregnant with Elsa, I figured I´d finish my graduate degree, and then Tumi and I would move on...go live somewhere else and start some new adventure. We still will someday, I am sure. But, when considering where to raise young children, I am convinced that there is no place better on earth than Iceland. So here we are, and here we´ll stay (for now)!

Some videos of my adorable children:

Finn, chillin in the bouncy chair. He is almost too big for it! Last time we took him to the doctor, they told us he was the size of an average 7-8 month old. Ladies and Gents, presenting my little happy chub-ball, Finnur Atli Kolbeinsson ;)

Elsa has started whining. It sounds horrible, but somehow she is still cute.

Elsa just woke up

Posing next to cousin Nolan´s bridge drawing!

She tells me everyday to put Finnur in her bed. She loves to snuggle (smother) him!

Monkey feet!

Tumi, zonked-out!

Finn has the BEST smile I´ve ever seen!!!

Elsa María in pigtails? Yes, please!


This is the very curious bunny rabbit we met the other day on our walk through the Icelandic ´forrest´

Here is Elsa trying to meet the bunny (video here)

Happy family

...And a kick in the head...Sorry, Finn!