Thursday, April 5, 2012

Elsa´s 730 days old party

I´m not sure if you knew this already, but turning 2 is kind of a big deal. When you are 730 days old, you know what is going on in a way that you don´t when you turn one. Elsa knew the song we sang to her. She knows she used to be one year old, and now she is two years old. She sings the birthday song to herself all the time, and I can tell it makes her very happy. We celebrated the day before her actual birthday, so she got an extra-long party. Her staff at her playschool made her a crown with her picture and some sparkles on it. It´s a big favorite.

Now we are getting back into the swing of things after a long break for Easter. Here are some pics of recent good times had by all! (and her new video!)

Playing at the swings by our house

Somebody found out how to open the door with the flour in it. Caught him white-handed!

Dear Valgerður Rún, I swear to you my eternal and undying love. Finn.

Fun with playdo!
Kiddos eating at Elsa´s Birthday

Getting ready to sing to the birthday girl, and her sushi tiger cake!

Elsa listening to her birthday song :)

Born górdjuss.