Monday, November 14, 2011


As I write this post, the wind is rushing by outside. Clouds move so quickly through the sky that it is bright one minute and dark grey the next. Fall in Reykjavik lasts a couple of weeks, then it is winter for nine months. I am trying to savor these few days of transition before dark, snow, frozen, cold sets in. See? When I started writing it was bright and sunny and now it is dark and dreary. My words cannot keep up with the weather in this place!

Today is November 14th. In just a few short weeks on December 2nd, Tumi, Elsa, Finn, and I will go to Keflavik and get on an airplane to fly to America-land. I am excited to see my family and nervous to travel with 2 babies on a plane for 7+ hours. I don´t know what to expect on the flight, which makes me anxious. We may be lucky enough to get a free seat next to us for Finnur Atli´s carseat, but maybe not. He spits up way more than Elsa did when she was his age, so I am planning on bringing along at least one set of clothes for the whole family...And then there is Elsa. She has a better idea about life and normalcy now than she did the last time we flew together, and she is very mobile and close enough to 2 years old that she has her own ideas about how life should be (and knows how to protest when it isn´t going her way). All a polite way of saying she can be bratty...especially if she is tired and everything is new and uncomfortable like on an airplane. I am glad that it is a direct flight, and right around bedtime so hopefully some of our babies will sleep.

Finnur Atli is at this very awkward pre-crawling stage, where he can move around, but doesn´t yet know how to go where he wants to go. There was a beautiful moment a couple of nights ago when he got stuck under the couch, just like his sister did when she was his age (almost exactly!) Soon he will learn to crawl forward and sit on his own, and then life will change a lot of all of us!

Aaaand, it´s raining.

My kids in their morning pose...reading together

We discovered a new thing on PhotoboothCuddly!

Elsa Maria helping Mama carve the pumpkin for Halloween. She still asks me where it is...

Finnur Atli and Felix Finnbogi!

Handsome husband on the TV last weekend!

Elsa playing around with the breast pump...

How can you STILL be so cute when you´re covered in spit-up???