Thursday, January 26, 2012

Don´t forget!

It is amazing how quickly time goes when you have little people living with you. They learn and grow so quickly you can sometimes see changes over the course of a few hours. When I come home from work, Finn looks bigger, more alert, and smarter than he did when I left him in the morning. Elsa is learning so quickly that she is picking up new words, songs, and jokes everyday. I can look at pictures from just three years ago. How different life was then!

What amazes me even more than how fast they grow is how quickly I can forget what everyday life is like with a baby of a certain age. One benefit of having little babes so close together is that Finnur serves as a constant reminder of what it is like to live life mothering a tiny baby and Elsa gives me some idea of what I will be dealing with in a year´s time when Finn will be her age...

For instance...

Finn has started to crawl and pull himself up to standing. I forgot how many sharp and extremely dangerous corners all of a sudden pop out of nowhere. Coffee tables, bookshelves, closets...not to mention sockets, and doors you can open over your little chubby hands. I forgot how you have to sit with a little baby while it cries and cries and then finds its pacifier and eventually calms itself down at night. I forgot the panicky feeling that comes the first time your baby pulls himself up in the bathtub and slips a tiny bit on the edge before catching himself...looking up at you worried. He wants you to tell him if he is okay or not, because he can´t tell for himself yet.

SO. Because I don´t want to forget. Now, at 22 months, Elsa is a parrot. She repeats absolutely everything you say, which is sometimes lovely, like when she says the sunset is ´GORGEOUS!´ but sometimes not so nice, like when she says, ´OH SHEET!´ when you drop something on the ground. She can sing the ABCs (the playschool ladies say that sometime she keeps the other kids awake at naptime, because she likes to keep singing). She enjoys puzzles, and is very good at playing by herself for some while. She uses the toilet on her own every once in a while. She takes one nap a day, usually for an hour and a half or so. Finnur Atli, at almost 8 months old, is growing like crazy...He has been has one big ole tooth on bottom and two coming in on top. There is a purple, ugly lump on his bottom gum where the next one is coming, but it is taking its sweet time. He is drooly. He chews on everything. Last night for the first time in his whole life, he slept all night without waking up to drink. He still woke up to cry a bunch, but didn´t eat until 7am. Sadly, now we know he is capable...

And, Tumi has uploaded the videos he made for each kiddo around their first Christmas to youtube...Elsa´s and Finnur´s. They are pretty fantastic :)

Finnur Atli visiting Elsa in the early morning hours

Elsa playing with her new toy...her toy basket!

Sup little girl!

Danger mouse. Crawling up on those shelves...

This is what dinnertime looks like at my house

This is Elsa´s ´Oh snap, I got caught!´face

Aaaaaaand...they are both standing.

Elsa María took this one.

Starting to play together! Well...kind of.

Food faces!

Not sure if you can tell, but Finn has a bloody nose. Battle scar. Pretty bad-ass, eh??

Sunday, January 8, 2012


´Silence´seems an appropriate title for this blog post. It is what has been heard on this blog for the past several weeks. It is what I have craved in the middle of the night as both children are adjusting to the time difference between the west coast of the US and good ole´Reykjavik, Iceland. And, ´Silent Night´is the lullaby of choice for the kiddos these days, so SILENCE it is!

We had a marvelous trip to the US over the holidays. That was our 3rd year in a row in the US for Christmas, so certainly next year we will stay at home in Reykjavik. It is time to start our own holiday traditions as a family :)

We spent most of our time in Tacoma living the life of a family with two very young children. We made excellent use of the new playground just down the street from Gramma and Grampa´s house. Elsa and Pabbi paid daily visits to the pet store down the street to check in on the puppies and chat with the parrot-in-residence, called Magoo. We connected with all those loving relatives Elsa has been learning about from a distance via photo albums. I miss family already.

In developmental updates, Elsa is speaking both Icelandic and English. She knows her ABC´s and can count to tíu/ten. She is the bossy-big-sister in our house, and enjoys telling any adoring grown up who is willing to listen where to sit and how to draw and what to play with and what to fetch her to drink and eat. She had a fabulous time tinkering around with her Grandma Julie´s iPad. She has a new best friend, a microwavable stuffed Tiger that smells like lavender which she has named ´Sushi´. Our trip to the US gave me an opportunity to introduce my little lady to some classic American kid food that is hard or impossible to come by in Iceland...Mac and Cheese, goldfish crackers, graham crackers, peanut butter, string cheese...all fine delicacies for the preschooler´s palate!

Finn learned to crawl in the US, much to the delight of his aunties uncles, grands, and cousins. He now eats (and eats and eats and eats) solid food, sometimes spooned-out mashed-up versions of grown-up person food, and sometimes grab-able bits with his own chubby little fingers! When we arrived back home in Iceland, he started pulling himself up to now begins the era of big falls, bruises, and Mama´s fear of all sharp edges and wobbly bookshelves...

Now I can hear Finn starting to wake up, so I´ll do the rest in pictures :)

Getting ready for our flight out to visit Gramma and Grampa!

Tumi and me with Lil Brother Thomas at our first ever midnight Rocky-Horror Picture Show. Thomas was Riff Raff that night. Strangest. Night. Ever.

Finn napping at Shirley Street with Marley standing guard.

Happy little boy on our trip to the Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle

And Elsa at the zoo!

Hanging out with Hiro in the U Village

Elsa helping Grandma Julie decorate the Christmas tree!

She calles them Kissmaslies, and they do NOT go in your mouth!

Hola, Senor!

Baby boy blue eyes


So nice to hang out with UNCLES! (and pizza to boot!!!)

Real live somewhat larger version of Sushi-Tiger. There are now 2 tigers at the Point Defiance zoo...this one, and one in another enclosed area. When I asked the zoo volunteer why they were not together, she explained that this one is the Mama of the other one (who is just about as old as Elsa) and he got to be too energetic for her to handle, so they moved him to another cage so she can rest. How well I understand her situation....

Gunnhildur v. Polar Bear

At the Point Defiance Zoo :)

Ahem....that was a fun game :)

Digging through the stocking Christmas morning

Happy girl in a Santa hat...AND....

Happy boy in a Santa hat!

Snuggling up with Gunn-gunn at the airport before we all went home

Back at Amma and Afi´s house for New Year´s Eve!

Elsa learned about how to give gifts this year

Happy family ready for 2012!