Friday, February 25, 2011

Late winter happenings in Reykjavik

I've been longing to blog...Mostly because Elsa seems to be growing up and learning so fast, that now I feel like I need to keep a record of all the wonderful things she is starting to do. I am amazed everyday by how quickly she is learning and developing her own personality!

Before I get started with all that, I need to write about Elsa's surgery. A few weeks ago, we found a little bump which turned out to be a hernia while changing Elsa's diaper. Apparently, this particular type of hernia is much more likely to appear in little boys than girls (90% of the cases are boys) but since my mom and I and Tumi all had them in our own childhoods, I suppose maybe Elsa was just destined for this fate! Elsa had a successful operation, including general anesthesia and the whole package. It was so hard to watch them put the gas on my little baby...I sobbed. It's weird how even though you understand that these doctors do this all day everyday and have gone to school for years and years, and the real risks to your baby's health are so low, that somehow watching her just fall asleep like that taps into something really deep in your parent-animal brain. It's a powerfully terrifying thing!

After about 1/2 an hour, the surgery was done, and we were allowed to come into the recovery area and wait with Elsa while she was waking up. It took her about an hour to come out of it completely, and she was still pretty groggy stoned for the next few hours. She had a worrisome fever the next morning, and wasn't moving around at all like her normal active self, but it turned out to be unrelated to the procedure and she was back to normal the next day (we still took her to the hospital just to be sure!). I'm very proud of my strong healthy little girl for going through such a weird and probably very uncomfortable experience...

I feel the need to document how much Elsa can do, because it seems like she is learning so fast these days! Since we came back to Iceland from our trip to the US this Christmas time, Elsa has learned to walk...first with a few hesitant steps between creeping along the furniature, and then eventually she mastered the full-on Charlie Chaplin waddle! She also likes to help us with the laundry, and is just generally adorable in a lot of ways.

She is getting better at 'talking' and can now say stuff like Mama, Pappa (it's supposed to be 'Pabbi' but we're headed in the right direction there!) and 'GunnGunn' (Gunnhildur). She says 'kkkkk' when she sees the clock, and 'ba' when she sees the bath (or a picture of a sheep). She says what sounds like 'skeeees' for keys, cheese, teeth, and peas. She says 'baby' quite clearly...sometimes. She attempts to meow like a cat, but this usually sounds like a very high-pitched 'mama' (we still understand the meaning, of course). She is quite fond of a carved lion statue we have, and will point to it when you ask her where the lion is, or if we are reading a book with a lion in it.

She likes the clock and the shower and the pictures on the wall, but mostly she loves her books. One of her favorite passtimes is to waddle up to us with a book in one hand and demand to sit on our laps and read with us. Sometimes she wants to hear the story, and sometimes she is more interested in just turning the pages and then bringing us a new book. We can (and often do) clear off all the shelves this way.

The coming months are full of big changes for this little family. Elsa will turn one year old on April 2nd, and then we will move into our new apartment sometime in the following week or so. Then, our little lady will start playschool sometime in the middle of April. We will probably only have her there for a couple of hours to start, but we were quite fortunate that they were able to take her in this spring, since the waiting list is very very long. Then sometime in late-ish May, we will get a brand new family member! Whew!

So, while I was pregnant with Elsa, we took a tummy picture every week. I guess part of being the 2nd child is that your mama can somehow manage to make through 29 weeks of pregnancy without really remembering to take those adorable belly shots to document your growth. I'm sorry, tummy baby boy. When we did finally get around to taking the belly picture, Tumi suggested that I suck it in so we could at least attempt to fake a 'before' pregnancy picture. I did my best, but this is all I could manage...

Elsa working on some cucumber

Watching out the window

This was in the waiting area before Elsa's surgery

And (slowly) waking up after the surgery with Pabbi

And with Mama

Elsa reading her favorite book (The Very Hungry Caterpillar) in her favorite room (the bathroom)
Elsa going over Mama's Icelandic homework...Looks like she founds some mistakes.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Dear Spring, We're ready for you now. Love, Reykjavik.

We are all settling back into the routine of regular life in Reykjavik after the extravagant Christmas adventure to the US and A.

The days are getting longer here in Reykjavik, and when you are so very far north, you feel every extra minute of light bringing you out of the deep dark winter. It makes me excited for spring...for flowers and green, buds on the trees, sunny days, calm weather, and new beginnings. Big news; we are MOVING in a couple of months! Tumi's parents have bought a beautiful 3 bedroom apartment with a bathtub and a great big kitchen and a dishwasher and enough space for our expanding family to rent from them, so we can move in April 1st! It is just down the street from where we are now, and I am very happy to be in the same neighborhood. There is a big balcony, and I anticipate nightly BBQs this summer (when I will be able to have a beer with that Icelandic lamb fillet...Imagine!) and lively games of Kubb in the backyard :) This knowledge that we will move in a few months is having a weird effect on when I think, "Gosh, these floors are dirty, I should really mop them" I always think "Nah, let's just move instead!" We're gonna live in a pigsty the next 2 months, for sure! Very excited to move...

Tumi started back at school and will complete his teaching certificate this spring, but is focusing most of his attentions on his journalism studies. In Iceland, they let student journalists intern at the major news organizations during their second semester of graduate level studies, so Tumi was 'working' last week in addition to the regular classes. He seems to have found a way to turn his passion for sports into something he can do for a living, and we (the non-sports oriented members of the family) have just stepped back in amazement to watch him flourish in this new career!

I have been working part time as well, doing an evaluation for the UN University Fisheries Training Program, which is based here in Iceland. I am truly enjoying the work, and feel so fortunate that the opportunity for part time employment, in line with my interests and career goals, popped up between maternity leaves (the project will be done at the beginning of May this year!).

It has been a bit of a challenge finding time to get my work done, since I am technically still a 100% full time stay-at-home-mom and Elsa hasn't started with daycare or anything like that yet. We have been able to swing a schedule over the past month where her Amma or Afi or Pabbi or babysitter can take her for a couple of hours a few times a week in which I can get some work done. She is on the waiting list for daycare through the University, and they said it was likely that she would be able to enter this spring, but we're just waiting for news on that.

Next Tummy Baby (NTB) is doing well. He started wiggling and kicking around in there, and I'm starting to look pregnant (not just feel it!). I went to the midwife this morning, and she said he seemed to be growing well and had a fine heartbeat. They changed my due date...did you know they could do that? Anyway, I was due on May 20th, but then after the ultrasound, they estimated May 27th. The midwife refused to tell me only one date, insisting instead on saying "He will be born around the end of May" which I find a bit frustrating. Now when people ask when my baby is due, I'll have to say "May...towards the end, I think" instead of "May 2oth." But I suppose it will be an adventure waiting to see just when he feels ready to come out! Not having a true due date means that anytime basically from the middle of May on, we're on yellow alert!

Elsa Maria, my precious little sweet baby girl, is turning into a toddler before my eyes! She is *almost* walking on her own. She spends most of her day standing, cruzin' from couch to coffee table, to chair, to kitchen cabinets, around the table, to walker-toy, and back to couch. My little lady is highly mobile, and basically refuses to crawl unless she really needs to get somewhere. This new daredevil spirit has gotten her into some trouble lately, since she tends to have more confidence in her abilities than she ought to at 10 months old. She has started to climb. I kid you not...CLIMB. She has a box (for playing with and putting toys in and such) that she has taken to pushing over to the bookshelf and trying to STAND ON TOP OF so she can reach the higher shelves. More interesting books, perhaps? I have decided to embrace the fact that my daughter is clearly one of those fearless go-get-em-adventuring-girls (I think she gets it from Aunt Gunnhildur) but as a mom it sure sucks to see your little baby with a black eye (like the one she got from a nasty spill yesterday).

Anyway, I should sign off before my little daredevil wakes up from her nap. Keep in touch, y'all!

This is the best picture I could manage of Elsa's shiner (just below the right eye...yowch!)

She got some extra time with the plug after taking a particularly rotten tumble...

Reading to Bergrun (from next door) and Elsa...

And Elsa thinks...Mom, what is *she* doing here?

Happy baby in her favorite play place

Making it rain
Mom! Stop taking pictures of me! I'm busy in the shower!!!

Good example of her cruising skills

Smelling flowers with Caitlin

Oatmeal does amazing things for your complexion. You should try it!

A daughter after her father´s heart


Good to be back among the toys!