Monday, May 7, 2012

My future's so bright I gotta wear shades!

There are few things cooler than spring in Iceland. After months and months of deep, sad, darkness, spring feels like it happens to you all of a sudden. Maybe one day you notice a couple of buds on the trees, and then the next, BOOM! everywhere you look is green. You think to yourself, 'Hmm, it seems like it is staying lighter longer these days' then BOOM! it's light at 10 or 11 at night. We have been lucky to have a bunch of bright sunny days (not too incredibly cold) in a row, and I am starting to get used to this.

The kids are doing well, as are Tumi and I. Elsa is talking up a storm, and making her preferences known in a very 2-year-old fashion. Finn is almost walking by himself. He hovers for a few seconds without holding on to anything...and motors around the apartment with great speed both crawling and cruising. They are almost the same size...feels like I have twins sometimes!

We went to a summerhouse a couple of weekends ago with Gretar, Erna, Una Lilja and Davið, and had a fabulous time. Can't wait for our next trip out to the country!

I'll let the photos speak for me this time... it's too nice weather to be staring at the computer :)

Finnur Atli and Elsa María held hands on the way home

The ladies playing in the hot tub at the Summerhouse.

Not a bad view, eh?

Finn's one millionth piece of toast

Strainer? Hat? Why not?

Too much sunshine!

And then the water goes 'Whooosh' and shoots up from the ground! (explaining a geysir to a 2 year old)

Elsa got a big bonk
Elsa's head bonk

Footballs don't roll round like other balls. They wobble all over and some of us think this is quite silly!

Elsa showing Finn how to point at pictures

I told her to smile, and this is what I got! Love :)

Heeeeeeere goatgoatgoatgoat....Heeeere goat. 

And on Saturday, he ate through one piece of chocolate cake, one ice cream cone, one pickle, one slice of swiss cheese, one slice of salami, one lollipop, one piece of cherry pie, one cupcake, and one WATERMELON!!! 

Why, how do you do your hair for the bath?

Out for a ride in the sun in their cool new stroller!